Imagine this…
It is bed time for the kids so its around 8:30pm you head topside to the deck and look out and what do you see? You see what looks like lightning happening but it’s not in the sky it is in the lagoon water! So to confirm what I am seeing I grab our deck bucket and toss it in to grab some water and sure enough right where the bucket lands is an explosion of lights! Sure enough your imagination is quenched it is the phosphorus life that lives in the ocean and at times is in high volume making the water look somewhat of an art show! Now that I have called the Kate and the kids to come look at the spector we end up spending the next hour playing in the art show! We even got in the dingy and started to drive it around causing a trail of light shows! It is amazing to see the things that God has created out here.
This amazing show happened while we were at Carlos riding out a storm that was passing so it was even more enjoyable to know that even though we were not in Ebeye where “we” wanted to be that God could bless us. We are learning to except that God is in control. You would think that we would already know this but it is different when your life is daily and often hourly literally in His hands as the waves toss us around uncontrollably on the boat. We can thank God for letting us get the mooring installed the day before the next storm came through. Then it didn’t let up for 2 weeks, in fact it got so bad we decided that it would be better on anchor over at Carlos then riding it out on the mooring. In fact that is where we are at while I type this message. Once again we are running from the weather which is not what “we” want to be doing…..we have started to feel that we are just never going to get away from this boat! We know that this is not true but it feels that way. We have made friends here in Carlos and will continue to show Gods love to them when the weather allows us to leave the boat. This is the part I speak of in knowing that God is in control. This is not what we pictured as part of doing ministry here but God has us right where He wants us even if it is not where we would want to be or event the reason we are here hiding from a bad storm!
The locals tell us that they have not seen weather like this in the last 14 years! So why God would you call us here during this time? To draw closer to you? To trust you more? To learn to sail in lousy weather? To what?
We know that even our testimony of being here HAS changed lives already so is that it are we done ready to move on to what is next? I don’t know the answer but know that we just have to keep our eyes focused on Jesus and keep walking forward in the direction HE last told us to go. We are building relationships thru testimony which is huge here.
Where has God told you to go? Are you doing what he last told you to do? If you ever need someone to vent or share with please feel free to send me a message at my email… scott.suderno@ywamships.net